STReaMs System Home

STReaMs - The Species Tagging, Research and Monitoring System

Welcome to the STReaM System online database! This site provides a centralized location for the data from the Upper Colorado and San Juan River Endangered Fish Recovery Programs. These collaborative programs are aimed at recovery of endangered fishes in their respective river basins while allowing water development in those areas to continue. As a result of ongoing recovery activities over the past two decades, primarily stocking and monitoring, a large quantity of data pertaining to both stocked and wild endangered fishes has been collected. The STReaMS database facilitates the retrieval, management, and entry of this data.

Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program

The Upper Colorado Recovery Program is a unique partnership of local, state, and federal agencies, water and power interests, and environmental groups working to recover endangered fish in the Upper Colorado River Basin while water development proceeds in accordance with federal and state laws and interstate compacts.

This major undertaking involves restoring and managing stream flows and habitat, boosting wild populations with hatchery-raised endangered fish, and reducing negative interactions with certain nonnative fish species. The goal of recovery is to achieve natural, self-sustaining populations of the endangered fish so they no longer require protection under the federal Endangered Species Act. To see how the data are used, explore our documents and publications

Colorado River Recovery Program logo

San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program

The purpose of the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program is to protect and recover endangered fishes in the San Juan River Basin while water development proceeds in compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws. Endangered species include the Colorado pikeminnow (formerly known as the Colorado squawfish), Ptychocheilus lucius, and the razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus. It is anticipated that actions taken under this Program will also provide benefits to other native fishes in the Basin and prevent them from becoming endangered in the future. To see how the data are used, see our documents and publications

San Juan River Basin Recovery Program Logo


Colorado Natural Heritage Program Logo

The development of the Species Tagging, Research, and Monitoring System was a five year endeavor, with major developments ending in 2019. For more information on the progression of specific features, see the Website Update Log.

The STReaMS online database was developed, and is currently managed by, the Colorado Natural Heritage Program. CNHP tracks and ranks Colorado's rare and imperiled species and habitat, and provides scientific information and expertise to promote the conservation of biological resources. Established in 1979, CNHP is a non-profit scientific organization affiliated with the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University.